Professional information website of Professor H. Bakunts

Endogen factors of cerebral stroke

The core of the monograph is the authors longstanding research, which allowed him for the first time to conduct a multivariate analysis of many endogenous processes in clinical setting. These processes are significant in the pathogenesis of cerebral dyscirculations and describe the status and the degree of altered homeostasis on different levels. The results of the studies have revealed a complex and multifaceted nature of the derangements of immune, lipid, coagulation and microcircular homeostasis in the cases of cerebrovascular disfunction pathology, the indicators of which, having high informative significance, are closely correlated with each other. A number of patterns have been identified and described as very important in determining the dynamics of formation and development of stroke from the processes of “point of accumulation” during the clinical course of cerebrovascular disease. A special role is given to the author’s consolidation of his own research and external research data on the general conception of the analysis of immune, neuro-endocrine dysfunctions during the brain dyscirculations. The aquired data demonstrate the integral role and importance of the neuro-immune-endocrine network in the dynamics of the interrelated and interdependent pathological processes during the development of the cerebrovascular pathology, thereby expanding the conception of the presence of conjugation between the nervous, immune and endocrine systems. The centre of the monograph is taken by the study of the state and role of cellular receptors in the assessment of dysfunction of homeostasis in strokes. The general link in the formation of dysfunction of homeostasis is defined, resulting from cerebral dyscirculations at different levels and connected with the violation of cell reception or its perversion. The author presents his vision of solving the problem of stroke in Armenia, based on the principle of using cluster-oriented regional policy in the organization and management of all services based on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular pathology. 
The monograph is aimed for neurologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, neuro-resuscitators, rehabilitators, therapists, specialists in the field of molecular biology and immunology. 

Monograph review
“Endogen factors of cerebral stroke”
Professor Henry Bakunts           

Prof. P.R. Kamchatnov (Moscow)
Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry after Korsakov, N3, 2013, p.81

Academic of RAMS, Prof. E.I.Gusev, Head neurologist of the Ministery of Healthcare and Social Development of RR President of All-Russian Community of Neurologists President of National Association against Stroke Head of Chair of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Russian National Research Medical University after N.I.Pirogov Medical science in Armenia, NAS RA, № 3, 2012, p. 126-127


Copyright © 2014, Bakunts H.O.
Professional information website of Professor H. Bakunts