Professional information website of Professor H. Bakunts

Neurologist, MD, Professor Henry Bakunts is the Head of the Department of Angioneurology and Lifelong Learning in Yerevan State Medical University after M.Heratsi, the Head of the Clinic of Angioneurology in the Medical Centre “Nairi”. He is a member of the World Federation of Neurologists (WFN), the World Stroke Organization (WSO) and the European Federation of Neurological Studies (EFNS). He is an academic of the Academy of Medical Science of RA. Professor Bakunts is the head of the Armenian Angioneurological Services from 1977.

Under his leadership was organized the first Clinic of Angioneurology in Armenia with Neuroresuscitational Services, the Department of Neurodetoxication and the Chair of Angioneurology.

He is the author of a variety of publications, inventions, innovative development and new clinical practice investments in brain-vessel diseases and stroke issues.

In 2011 the publishing house “ГЭОТАР-Медиа” in Moscow published the monograph of Professor H. Bakunts “The endogen factors of cerebral stroke”. H. Bakunts received Doctoral Degree in the Department of “Neurology and neurosurgery” in Russian Federation State Medical University in 1990. For his huge investments in healthcare and modern medicine he was elected as a member of the International Biological Centre (IBC, Cambridge, England). Under his guidance 4 Candidate's dissertations were defended.

The main conceptual directions of scientific interests of Professor H. Bakunts are the study of exogenous and endogenous factors in pathogenesis of cerebral discirculations, the study of state of homeostasis in organism at different stages of cerebrovascular diseases, the development of calculation program of the most informative homeostatic indices of objectification of the pathological process at stroke, the prognosis of the early forms of development of cerebrovascular deficiency, the strategy selection of prevention and treatment of different forms of stroke.

The researches of many years enabled him to first formulate the concept of common link in mechanisms of dysfunctions of brain blood circulation, connected with dysfunction or shift of cellular reception, which, in the final analysis, leads to the formation of nidus of brain discirculation and also elimination of integral role and importance of neuroimmunoendocrine reticulum in stroke pathogenesis.



Tel: (+374 91) 427 789, (+374 98) 400 444,
       (+374 10) 53 77 82


Skype: henry.bakunts

Copyright © 2014-2016, Bakunts H.O.
Professional information website of Professor H. Bakunts