The curriculum vitae


 I am Grigoryan Ann. I was born in 28-th of September in 1984 in Erevan in the family of intellectuals.

 My father, Grigoryan Edward, is a professor; he manages faculty of Russian and literature of the Gavar state university.

 My mother, Zoya Gevorgyan, is a skilled therapist, the doctor of the maximum category and works in 3 city hospital of Yerevan.

 My brother, Alexander Eduardovich Grigoryan, 1981 of a birth, the engineer - master and now the actor of the Yerevan Chamber Theatre. 

 In the early childhood I was taken to the kindergarten and in 1991 I have entered the fir\st class of the Yerevan high school named T.G.Shevchenko which has stopped with distinction in 2001. And in the same year I became the student of faculty of applied mathematics and computer science of the Russian - Armenian (Slavic) state university. Now I study on the fourth course, I master a specialty of the programmer. After lectures I visit facultative employment to learn HTML. I have music education: I’m playing on the piano. I am fond of music, dances, I like to visit theatres, I read fiction with the great pleasure, I try to write poems. In school days I drew not bed. From 12 years I played volleyball and was the captain of a modular youthful team Kentron.
