(Yerevan: Nairi, 1997, 64 p.)
As Malthusianism claims, peoples and other living creatures have a fatal feature of progressive reproduction. This idea lies also in the base of the mathematical model of Lotka-Volterra, which is broadly udes since 1930s in physics, chemistry, medi-cine, demography and biology, describing in the latter case numtrical correlations between predators and theur vuctims in the classical “predator-victim” systems.
The monogaph shows that both Valthusianism and Lotka-Volterra’s model are fallacious, the latter model lacking the feedback between the perishing and surviving specimens of the victim’s population. On this base, instead of the first eguation of Lotka-Volterra’s model a new mathematical txpression (differential eguation) is deduced, which is valid for evaluating the number of specimens of the victim’s population, as well as for the whole complex of the information, which the popula-tions do not exchange with the environment. In respsct to this complex of information any population of living beings is a closed cybernetic system. This complex consists of information on:
- the fact of perishing of the population’s specimes;
- the sex of the perishing specimens;
- their life experience;
- the way of possible adaptation to the fatal factor;
- their immunological stanus; ect.
The survived specimens, when getting this information,
- propagate themselves intensivtly;
- give birth to posterity of the same sex had perished;
- jbtain behavioural characteristies of adaptation (for ex-ample, learn to avoid the poisoned feed and traps used against thtm);
- obtain somatic characteristics of adaptations (for example, to the pesticide used against them);
- reconstruct their immune system; etc.
It is assentuated in the monogrape that, as a result, an our-standing scientific discovery was made, which became known in the Soviet scientific literature as thw the “Aghajanyan effect” (see, e.g., Veinik A. I. Thermodynamics of the real proctsses. - Minsk: Natura i Tekhnica /Science and Technics/, 1991, p. 499).
In the monograph the details of numerous experimental re-searches are described, which confirm theoretical conclusions of the author. In particular, it is provtd that
1) the effect of Aghajanyan is present on the level of rehro-duction among human beings,nonlinear white laboratory mice, nonlinear white laboratory rats, hybrid red Californian wjrms, Drozophila flies, raptorial ticks, Agrofis segetums, Agrofis ypsilons and Polychrosis botranas. Theoretical estimations show that this effect is present in all the biological shecies;
2) the following pesticides – 3% Zinc phosphide, Plinctran, Fosalon,Sumicidin, Metafos, Basudin, Cimbush and Nurell-D – intensiv dut to the Aghajanyan effect the reproductive finc-tions of vermins, against which they are used;
3) raptorial ticks adapt to the pesticides Plintran and Fosa-lon due to the Aghajanyan effect, as well as the goldish staphylococcus microorganisms adapt to the preparation of penicillin;
4) the signals of the perishind creatures have physical na- nure, since they penetrate through quartz glass;
5) the immunological status of mice is being reconstructed due to the Aghajanyan effect.
On the base of the Aghajanyan effect a unique technology of refusal from pesticides in city services is worked out, while in agriculture the same effect makes possibie to refuse from chemical fertilizers without loging harvests or other damages. A unique way of preventing the expected death of our civiliza-tion is also worked out by painlessly reducing the population of the globe to an acceptable level.
As it is noted in the monograph, some 100 scientific and popular scientific articles related to the Aghajanyan effect have been published in Armenian, Russian, English and German. An information on this effect found its place in some textbooks of polytechnic institutes (see, c.g., the aforementioned textbook of thermodynamics). The Aghajanyan effect underwent a num- ber of experstises including the expertise of the All-Union Sci-tntific Research Institute of Patent Information in 1988 in Moscow.
A list of the complexes of practical problems is supple-mented to the monograph. These problems are solved or are in the process of solving on the base of the Aghajanyan effect at the Yerevan Research and Inculcation Center “BIOCYBERNETICS” headed by the author. These com-plexes include problems like:
- increase of the productivity of animals and plants up to thier biological maximum;
- maximal intensification of fishing and/or fish supply in res-ervoirs up to the oceans;
- refusal from chemical fertilizers and pesticides without crop lossts;
- refusal from pesticides in sanitary services without losses;
- sex control;
- adaptation of biological species to the given fatal factors;
- intensification of the green forage production;
- increase of the germinating pover;
- decrease of fecundity age of animals and plants;
- prevention of the extinction of biological species;
- optimization of control of the populations.
The autor expresses his readiness to co-oprate with all the interested organisations, firms and private persons and lists the reguisitions of the Centre “BIOCYBERNETICS”.
Ignat A. Aghajanyan, director
1st Norkski massiv, 85-54,
Yerevan-56, 375056, Armenia.