© Centre "SEARCH", 1997


      System consists of following files:


· VALUE_EN.XLS - a main file

· BASE_EN.XLS - a file of base of results


As will be prepare to work with program


      Hereon start Excel, call at in Tools|Options menu and in the section General install in Font System.

      Now open VALUE_EN.XLS file and work.




1.  Entering the names of personnel of control.


2.  Making the groups (at need).

 Enter a name of group, on one choose necessary you name and write in the group. After making a group is register as a usual name.


3.  Quality Choice.

 Quality Choice is realized by means of buttons "Choice of qualities". You are offered ready quality blocks, from which you may select one or another qualities. Can also add a new quality (button "New quality"), which will be register in the block "Additional". From the list "Chosen qualities" possible to delete a specified quality ("Delete a quality") or delete all chosen ("Delete all").


4.  Evaluation.

 After the collection statistical given is realized entering these given by means of buttons "Evaluation of personnel of control".  In the list "Qualities» inhere chosen by you qualities, in the list "Name"- entered by you name. In the field "Amount interviewed" is write amount participate in voting.  Choose a quality, afterwards name, press "Assign", your choice you see in the list "View". If you enter a choice untrue, in the list "View" note it’s and delete ("Delete"). Entering given next voting participant, press "Save" and will enter given following. On the completion of entering press "Finish".


5.  Analysis of data.

 Press The Button "Analysis given on the personnel of control" and wait. Program will report on end of calculations.


6.  Output of results.

 In the window an output of results will enter title of the document (i.e. name of sheet on which will be graphs and results of calculations).

 In the list "Name" is to choose that name, which results want to compare (are to choose all). Having Include mode "Add a benchmark analysis", in the document you also get a comparative graph and standard of judgment.  For the following conservation of the documents press the button "Create a document for each" and wait while program does not close a window.


7.  Writing the results of analysis in base.

 Having Create documents for each, are to carry these sheets in base of results (button "Carrying the documents in base")


8.  Viewing a base.

 Having Press the Button "View a base" program will open a file of base and window of searching.


9.  Clear of program.

 Clear of program needed for the renovation and preparation to the new cycle of evaluation and choices.  Clear or renovation of program is to realize button "CLEAN".

 Before performing this operations take sure that work on the evaluation and choice is finished and all necessary given are received and saved. Given operation deletes all existed names, chosen qualities, received as a result of calculations results.



We want a success in the evaluation and selecting personnel!!!

 © Centre "SEARCH", 1997