TO Mr. MURRAY     Venice, Jan. 2. 1817 

Byron on the terrace with the Fathers of St. Lazarus
"He (Byron) was a young man quick, sociable, 
with  burning eyes". 
    Father Paschal: Autobiographical Diary; 
    The "Pazmaveb", April 1924. p. 142. 

Dr Father Paschal Aucher Byron's Teacher 
    "Father Paschal is a learned and pious soul". 
    Byron to Murray Venice, Dec. 27th, 1816.

n another sheet, I send you  some  sheets  of  a grammar, English and Armenian, for the use of the Armenians, of  which  I promoted, and indeed induced, the publication. (It cost me but a thousand francs-French  livres). I still pursue  my  lessons  in the language without any rapid progress, but advancing a  little daily.  Padre  Paschal,  with  some  little  help  from  me   as  translator of his Italian into English, is also proceeding in  a Mss. Grammar for the English acquisition of Armenian, which will be printed also, when finished. - We want to know if  there  are Armenian  types  and etter-press  in   England,   at   Oxford, Cambridge, or elsewhere? You know, I suppose  that,  many  years ago, the two Whistons published in England an original text of a history of Armenia, with their own Latin translation? Do  those types still exist? And where? Pray inquire  among  your  learned acquaintance. 
- When this Grammar (I mean the one now  printing) is done, will you have any objection  to  take  forty  or  fifty copies, which will not cost in all above five  or  ten  guineas, and try the curiosity of the learned with a sale  of  them?  Say yes or no, as you like. I can assure you  that  they  have  some very curious books and  Mss,  chiefly     translations  from  Greek originals now lost. They are,  besides,  a  much  respected   and learned   community, and the study of their language was  taken  up with great ardour by some  literary  Frenchmen  in  Buonaparte's time*. 
  * To the Armenian Grammar mentioned  above,  the following interesting fragment, found among  his  (Lord  Byron's)  papers, seems to have been intended as a preface.  "The  English  reader will probably be surprised to find my name associated with a work of the present discription, and inclined  to give me more credit for my attainments as a linguist than they deserve. - As I would not  willingly be guilty  of  a  deception,  I  will state, as shortly as I can, my own  share  in  the  compilation, with the motives which led to it. On my arrival at Venice in the year 1816, I found my mind in a state which required study,  and study of a nature which  should  leave  little  scope  for  the imagination, and furnish some difficulty in the  pursuit.  -  At this period I was much struck - in common,  I believe, with every other traveller -  with  the  society  of  the Convent  of  St. Lazarus, which appears  to  unite  all  the  advantages  of  the monastic institution,  without any of its vices. - The  neatness, the  comfort,  the  gentleness,  the  unaffected  devotion, the accomplishments, and the virtues of the brethren of  the   order, are well fitted  to  strike  the  man  of  the  world  with  the conviction that "there is another and a  better"  even  in  this life. - These men are the priesthood of an oppressed and a noble nation, which has partaken of the proscription  and  bondage  of the Jews and of the Greeks, without the sullenness of the  former or  the servility of the letter. This people has attained  riches without usury, and all  the  honours  that can  be  awarded  to slavery  without  intrigue.  But  they   have   long   occupied, nevertheless, a   part of "the House of Bondage", who  has  lately multiplied her many mansions. It would be difficult, perhaps, to find the annals of a nation less stained with crimes  than those of the Armenians, whose virtues have been those  of  peace and their vices those of compulsion. But whatever may have   been their destiny - and it has been better - wathever it may  be  in future, their country must ever be one of the most interesting on the globe; and perhaps their language only requires to  be  more studied to become more attractive. If the Scriptures are rightly understood it was in Armenia that Paradise was placed,  Armenia, which has  paid as dearly as the descendants  of  Adam for  that fleeting participation of its soil in the happiness if  Him  who was created from its dust. It was  in  Armenia  that  the  flood first abated. and the dove alighted.
    But with the  disappearance of Paradise itself may be dated almost the  unhappiness  of  the country, for though long a  powerful kingdom, it was scarcely ever an independent one, and the satraps of Persia and the pachas  of Turkey have alike desolated the region wheri God created  man  in his own image". 

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