TO Mr. MURRAY     Ravenna, October 9th, 1821 
 "A part of his time he gave to meditation on  the  
various phases and secrets of life, at one corner 
of  the  garden  under the olive trees". 
    The "Pazmaveb" 1924 April. p. 143 
he Epistle of  St.  Paul,  which  I  translated  from  the Armenian, for what reason have you  kept  it  back,  though  you published that stuff which gave rise to the  "Vampire?".   
Is  it because  you are afraid to print any thing in opposition to  that cant of the Quarterly about Manicheism? Let  me have a  proof  of that Epistle directly.  I  am  a  better  Christian  than  those persons of yours,    though not paid for being so. 

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